Built around the fundamentals of value creation, supports improved decision making with an approach dedicated to financial stability and a long term vision.

The benefits offered by include:

→ relevant data to enable the board to fulfil its responsibilities regarding strategic direction;

→ a vision of the way the organisation manages and strengthens its main capitals in line with its strategy, risks, opportunities and outlook;

→ clarification of the value creation enablers that help break down internal silos;

→ a basis for increasing commitment with respect to investors;

→ a useful, consistent communication for key stakeholders since it is centred on the company s strategy and business model.

Aligning external reporting with the company s short, medium and long term objectives improves the focus of all stakeholders by fostering innovation and sound governance.

Our integrated thinking reflects the strategy communicated to the market by senior management. It is based on financial indicators and other aspects such as customer relations and human capital. These two capitals are monitored using quantitative indicators and their impact is described in our integrated report. We also take an integrated approach to meeting regulatory requi- rements such as those of Solvency II.


1 The active consideration by an organisation of the relationships between its various operating and functional units and the capitals that the organisation uses or affects. Integrated thinking leads to integrated decision making and actions that consider the creation of value over the short, medium and long term. See the International Framework glossary. http://integratedreporting.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/13-12-08-THE-INTERNATIONAL-IR-FRAMEWORK-2-1.pdf


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